Not all divorces have to be contentious. In fact, the vast majority of them resolve before ever heading to trial. If you have a decent relationship with your spouse, then you might be able to work amicably with them to come to a divorce settlement that is fair to both...
Collaborative Family Law And Mediation Services
Month: December 2021
When is a prenuptial agreement unenforceable?
There are a lot of decisions to make and conversations to have with a prospective marital partner when marriage talks begin. California residents may wish to know if their potential spouses want kids or have plans to change careers within their lifetimes. They may...
When bird nesting will work and when it won’t
For many parents going through divorce, the primary concern is how it will affect the children and how to help them adjust to a new normal. Just as many couples in California are exploring the benefits of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods for divorce, there...