The U.S. military provides very generous pensions. A 20-year veteran can retire and collect 50 percent of their base pay and cost-of-living increases for the rest of their lives. Dividing military pensions in a divorce is important for spouses but may be a complicated...
Collaborative Family Law And Mediation Services
Month: February 2021
Attempting to lessen the emotional toll of a divorce
It is a given that in most divorce cases the soon-to-be ex-couple will likely have plenty of emotions boiling to the surface at various times during the legal process. After all, a divorce is the end of a significant and extremely personal part of most peoples’ lives:...
What are some factors to consider when deciding to divorce?
Unlike in bygone eras, divorce no longer has the stigma it once had. That is not to say divorce is no longer a big, but it is to say that the social ramifications and “four letter word” status have disappeared. Indeed, as divorce rates across the world spike, we all...