Collaborative Divorce Helps Keep Conflict To A Minimum
The collaborative method is an out-of-court solution for divorce and other family law disputes where Jill serves as your attorney and advocate.
Jill works with other collaboratively trained professionals to build a team that consists of two attorneys and at least one neutral nonattorney professional such as a financial analyst or mental health coach.
The attorneys work with the clients to determine the makeup of the team which is tailored to the needs of the clients. In other words, there are many possible models for a collaborative team depending on the complexity of the case and issues that need to be resolved.
Collaborative Divorce Vs. Mediation
The principal difference between any mediation process and a collaborative process is that a mediator is always neutral while collaborative attorneys are not.
Collaborative Divorce Vs. Litigation
The key difference between collaborative process and litigation is that in collaborative cases, the attorneys do their best to co-create outcomes that serve the post-dissolution family.
Which Is The Best Option?
Although the cost of the collaborative process exceeds the costs of mediation, some cases are best served by a team of professionals.
Jill White, Esq., offers valuable information to assist clients in choosing the process most likely to result in sustainable and amicable agreements.
Learn More About Collaborative Divorce In An Initial Consultation
If you think collaborative divorce might be right for you, or if you’re not sure and have more questions, the next step is speak with Jill in an initial consultation.
To schedule an appointment by phone or in Jill’s Petaluma office, dial 707-900-4535 or contact Jill by email.