Unlike in bygone eras, divorce no longer has the stigma it once had. That is not to say divorce is no longer a big, but it is to say that the social ramifications and “four letter word” status have disappeared. Indeed, as divorce rates across the world spike, we all are getting a better sense of what it means to be happy as a couple and alone. Though, there are some factors that one should consider when deciding on whether to divorce.
Privacy complicates
Well, the lack of privacy complicates everything. Unless there is some violence in the relationship, prior to consulting a divorce attorney, couples should seek out counseling. This could be a professional marriage counsel, pastor, etc. Remember, at one point, each spouse was the other’s whole world, and couples may be able to recapture that spark. Unfortunately, this may not be successful, not because the marriage was not savable, but because of a lack of privacy and intimacy. It is hard to speak freely or be open while trying to navigate childcare, especially in multigenerational households where one’s mother-in-law is always within earshot.
No privacy complicates
This lack of privacy does not just affect one’s attempts to salvage a marriage, it also affects the entire divorce process. Especially with smaller homes and apartments, finding a space to have a private, attorney-client conversation prior to divorce proceedings can be complicated.
Divorce delays
In the past, the divorce process took time, but sometimes it only took 60 to 90 days. Today, that just is normally not the case. Most divorce courts across the country shut down last year, often for months, which only built in a backlog that has only expanded as divorce rates increase. Just getting a court date can take months.
Because of these issues, many attorneys are recommending a collaborative divorce or, for high-asset divorces, arbitration. In the collaborative divorce process, the spouses work together to reach a mutually agreeable solution and avoid litigation. Arbitration is like a court proceeding, except the process is outside the court system, and the judge is selected by the parties. This can avoid having to wait on a judge. For Santa Rosa, California, couple thinking of divorce, this all means that they should contact an attorney. With the ever-changing divorce landscape, one needs help it.