Collaborative Family Law And Mediation Services

Understanding the collaborative divorce process

On Behalf of | Dec 28, 2020 | Collaborative Divorce |

The collaborative divorce process can help divorcing couples resolve their divorce-related concerns through a series of negotiations rather than through the adversarial divorce court process. The negotiation process can help divorcing couples resolve property division, child custody, child support and spousal support concerns which is why they should be familiar with how the collaborative divorce process works.


Each spouse will hire a lawyer and enter into a collaborative divorce agreement. The agreement states that if the couple decides to abandon the collaborative divorce process, and litigate their divorce instead, each of the representatives will withdraw.

Meeting with representation

Each spouse will meet with their representation to discuss their needs and goals for the divorce process so they can best negotiate and protect their interests during the negotiation process.

Meet with spouse and their representation

The spouses, along with their respective representatives, will meet to negotiate their divorce-related concerns. The process focuses on reaching shared agreements rather than disputing and contesting each part of the process.

Settlement agreement

Once the divorcing couple has reached an agreement they can live with, they will sign a settlement agreement memorializing their agreement. The divorce agreement will address property division, spousal support and any child custody or child support agreements the divorcing couple has reached using the collaborative divorce process.

The collaborative divorce process works best for divorcing couples who can work together to resolve their disagreements. Because it has many benefits, divorcing couples should be familiar with how it works and how they may be able to benefit from it.